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Ada, 33 - 10 декабря 2013 04:29

Отредактировано:10.12.13 04:30
Emotions. tears but it's not the cause of some sadness, so strange / Is my heart opening? Should I follow it? or this is the snare of life. i have no desire of thinking over past, he makes me to do it because he wants to know me better, I tell him everything, every detail every little part of my previous time. nothing serious happened to me in past.
I m crying. I ve met him. at last. and now i m sure if he makes up his mind to leave me or go another life road, I will regret for the first time that i missed such man. perhaps i ll do smth to return hm or it will be the last one touched my heart and soul. it may sound crazy. I saw him just twice. it s long-awaited chemistry. and if it finds its end in a few days, i will be glad for those first ones when i cried because of sweeped emotions.
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