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Ada, 33 - 23 сентября 2010 01:49

не забыть.. так сложно.
[SIZE=+2][COLOR=brown]в моих мечтах ты навсегда.. прости меня[/COLOR][/SIZE]

in deep... very deep reflections...
[FONT=Arial]i don't even know if i need you so much.. if it's really like that or just my world of illusions, as usual.. it's very hard to decide, but too easy to think over you again and again, especially when you appear in my life so suddenly, at the moment when i'm not ready... when all my thoughts are busy of other problems.. other things, that happen in my life, but you... you're tending to put up at the vacant hool of my heart. it's in the centre of it, i'm afraid. i don't know anything about your heart and your feelings, and moreover, your thoughts.. i care less about it. but i have some confident that all they are warm enough to make me happy.
it's so unreal
c'est despoir...[/FONT]
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